Monday, March 28, 2011

Creative artist from Orlando - Zulfiya Gilmanova

Our Sisterhood is a treasure box of beautiful Russian women who are not only well educated and great in everything they do but also have unique talents. We posted a first interview with a Russian artist Zulfia Gilmanova on our website

Zulfia came to Orlando from a city of Kazan, Russia. Orlando was an inspiration for her to find herself in creating beautiful peaces of jewelry and decor. Her pieces of work you can find in om-line store Zulya

St. Sofia Russian Orthodox church in Orlando, Fl

If you are looking for Russian Orthodox church in Orlando, please visit St. Sofia church.
1603 N Thacker Av,
Youth Education Building
(North from main Church Building, by Columbia St.)
Kissimmee, FL, 34741
321-682-1811 (Father Viktor Orda)

Расписание служб:

9:00 - Исповедь
9:30 - Часы и Проскомидия
10:00 - Литургия

Священник - отец Виктор Орда
Службы совершаются на церковно-cлавянском языке.

    * Крещение
    * Венчание
    * Водосвятный молебен
    * Освящение жилища
    * Панихида, лития
St. Sofia

Friday, March 25, 2011

Splash Pad in Avalon Park

Yesterday 5 Russian moms (Lena, Larisa, Yana, Firyusa and Tanya) met with their lovely kids in Avalon Park Splash Pad.
This fun spot is located in a local Avalon Park community of East Orlando. Kids get entertained by fun fountains and they can climb all the want on very nice slides in a play area.
Here is the address if you plan to spend a few hours outdoors and don't mind your kids get wet!

Tanja King Memorial Park
12001 Tanja King Blvd.
Orlando, FL

After a play date we had nice lunch at a local Bistro at Downtown of Avalon park. We had much fun together, we all enjoyed the day!

Orlando Russian Girls Sisterhood on Facebook

Our Sisterhood  was created in May 2008. The group was hosted on website and today Orlando Russian Girls Sisterhood counts 615 members. We decided to expand our internet community and created a mirror group on Facebook and of course we've got our "Like" button! Please join us and participate in discussions.